SomeActivities linked with

Some meals prepared using recipes from the British Heart Foundation.


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Mrs Serena Somerville Cert EYP

Quality Assured

illness & infectious diseases


Offering Government funded Early Education as well as Great Quality Personal Home from Home Childcare!

Not ‘just’ a Childminder Serena is a certified Early Years Practitioner delivering the Governments Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum to 0 - 5 year olds.

Serena is a qualified Early Years Practitioner who works closely with Dorset County Council and other Early Years providers.

Illness and infectious diseases

It is my policy to keep children safe when they are in my care, promote good health and take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection within my childcare setting and while I am off site.


Procedures (how I will put the statement into practice)


Sick children

If there is a child in my setting who becomes ill whilst in my care, or whom I believe has an infectious illness or disease (for example a severe cold or stomach upset) I will;

Contact the parents as agreed to arrange for the immediate collection of the child

Ensure the child is excluded from my setting until they have been well for 48 hours, or in accordance with Health Authority guidelines.


If I believe a child in my setting is suffering from a disease or illness which requires notification I will inform the parents/guardians of my concerns and act on advice given by the Health Protection Agency (details of which can be found at as to when they will be able to return to my setting.  I will also inform Ofsted of any action taken.

I make parents aware of my sickness exclusion policy and keep a record of the arrangements for the exclusion of a child should they become ill whilst in my setting.

In accordance with the contract agreed with parents I expect to be paid for the child’s place even if they are excluded from my setting due to an illness or infectious disease.

If I, or one of the members of my family, has a confirmed infectious disease, I will inform parents as soon as I am able.

As I will not be able to offer my childminding service I do not charge parents for the time the service is unavailable, as agreed in the contract.

I inform the parents of the other children in my setting if a child I care for has a diagnosed infectious disease.


I ensure all adults and children in my setting are aware of good hand-washing procedures, before eating or handling food and after using the toilet.

I ensure there is a supply of tissues available for children.

I immediately clean up any spillage of body fluids using a disposable cloth and gloves.

I wear disposable gloves for changing nappies. I will discard these gloves after each change.

I ensure that any animals on the premises are safe to be around children and do not pose a health risk.

I ensure that litter trays and pet food dishes are kept away from children.


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